AREWA 2 (Poem)

Read the first part, AREWA 1 here


Its dusk yet the cock crows

I see the light, though covered in fog

In this dark, I’m lit by this moonlight

My walking stick has dropped

My head gear falls at your feet

My beautiful apparel is of you

My crotchet sketches your face

Arewa, my Arewa

Lost in wisdom

Found in Grace

Pelted by honor

Unknown yet unseen

Arewa, my Grace

Beautiful beneathe my breathe

Sitting at moonlight’s table

I saw the light of truth

And embraced it with delight against the flight


As I said before my pause

And now again out of the dark

The wind will blow where it wills

And where it blows , we do not know

But this time we know for sure

We’ll build in engraved stones

And against the tides we’ll dance

As one with rhythm to win.

Arewa, my Arewa

Like it was but now even stronger

Our armours wield life but death no more.

Arewa, my nightingale, my song.

Arewa, your delight, my pursuit

Arewa, my peace, your dance

Arewa, my Victory, my stance.

It’s over, only to begin.


Read the first part, AREWA 1 here

5 thoughts on “AREWA 2 (Poem)

  1. I love this poem, can I ask what does Arewa mean, or is it just a name? Your words are really beautiful, ” the wind will blow where it wills and where it blows we do not know”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: AREWA 1 | Summer-Ice World

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